Saturday, November 12, 2011

Accomplishments o' The Week (or, Where I Relay My Badassedness)

I've been reading way too much Victorian melodrama, hence the multiple titles. 
I'm working on acknowledging stuff that I do that is a success, an "I DID IT."  And my threshold for success is pretty low, so I feel like I should be able to count some things, but as I sit to write this, I find it really, really hard to think of what the hell I did this week. 


I drank green lemonade for many of the days this week.
I made lists in  my calendar and crossed all items off.
I returned emails in a timely manner on two days.
I finished grading the latest set of student work.
I finished a garbage draft of a book review.

Obviously, I have not included weight loss related material.  I have ebbs and flows.  There are weeks when I couldn't give a rats ass about counting points, etc. and there are weeks when I'm nigh on obsessed with it. 

What I do have a strong, STRONG urge to do right now is to get rid of things.  Material posessions.  My urge to purge is strong and I have to use it as a reward for doing other stuff *coughdissertationcough*.  Oh yeah, I was a little sick this week.  Hmmm.  Well, onto jury duty next week.