Saturday, May 26, 2012

Herein, We Do This Again

Am I jumping next to a big rock? Dunno. 

All I'm doing right now is avoiding writing. 
How am I avoiding writing? By writing. 
This makes NO SENSE.

I heard a quote I liked this week.  I think I'll paraphrase as best as I can.
"While I was a Julliard, we practiced 14 or so hours a day.  We felt like any time spent not practicing was wasted."
While I don't agree with this totally, I think the gist of it works.  Especially if you replace "writing" with "practicing." I was both healthier and more prolific as a writer when I lived in England.  I had no TV, no access to one and I had to walk everywhere. So, some things are self-evident, but after the initial stuff drops away, you're left with genuine improvement. 

I took a couple walks this week.  Once around Greenlake and once around Maple Leaf.
I did *some* work this week.  Just a smidgen.
I continue to drink an obscene amount of water.  But I really do that no matter what.

I enjoyed a brief chat with The Young Woman who has finished her diss and defended this week.  Well deserved congratulations to her, but objectively, I'd like to rip her head off.  I REALLY want to rip the head off the Nitwit who finished, as well.  That one is just hopeless, however.  And even I recognize it is pure envy, not real animosity that drives this.  But it is a sick and icky feeling in my gut that I don't respect very much.

I am considering that perhaps I can seduce the Housemate into a juice fast experiment with me.  We'll see. 

Oh, and I've been taking ibuprofen to sleep.  Every night this week.  My joints ache and I don't think that's a good thing. 

Off to the land of the 19th century.